forge verify-contract


forge-verify-contract - Verify smart contracts on a chosen verification provider.


forge verify-contract [options] address contract


Verifies a smart contract on a chosen verification provider.

You must provide:

  • The contract address
  • The contract name or the path to the contract (read below) In case of Etherscan verification, you must also provide:
  • Your Etherscan API key, either by passing it as an argument or setting ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

To find the exact compiler version, run ~/.svm/x.y.z/solc-x.y.z --version and search for the 8 hex digits in the version string here.

The path to the contract is in the format <path>:<contract>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Contract.

By default, smart contracts are verified in a multi-file fashion. If you want to flatten the contract before verifying, pass --flatten.

This command will try to compile the source code of the flattened contract if --flatten is passed before verifying. If you do not want that, pass --force.

You can specify ABI-encoded constructor arguments with --constructor-args. Alternatively, you can specify a file containing space-separated constructor arguments with --constructor-args-path. (Note that cache must be enabled in the config for the latter to work.)


Verify Contract Options

--verifier name
    The verification provider. Available options: etherscan, sourcify & blockscout. Default: etherscan. Note: make sure you add "/api?" to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL.

--verifier-url url
    The optional verifier url for submitting the verification request.
    Environment: VERIFIER_URL

--skip-is-verified-check     Send the verification request even if the contract is already verified.

--compiler-version version
    The compiler version used to build the smart contract.

    To find the exact compiler version, run ~/.svm/x.y.z/solc-x.y.z --version where x and y are major and minor version numbers respectively, then search for the 8 hex digits in the version string here.

--num-of-optimizations num
--optimizer-runs num
    The number of optimization runs used to build the smart contract.

--constructor-args args
    The ABI-encoded constructor arguments. Conflicts with --constructor-args-path.

--constructor-args-path file
    The path to a file containing the constructor arguments. Conflicts with --constructor-args.

--chain-id chain
--chain chain
    The ID or name of the chain the contract is deployed to.
    Default: mainnet

    Flag indicating whether to flatten the source code before verifying.

    If this flag is not provided, the JSON standard input will be used instead.

    Do not compile the flattened smart contract before verifying.

--delay delay
    Optional timeout to apply in between attempts in seconds. Defaults to 3.

--retries retries
    Number of attempts for retrying. Defaults to 15.

    Command outputs JSON suitable for saving to a file and uploading to block explorers for verification.

    Wait for verification result after submission.
    Automatically runs forge verify-check until the verification either fails or succeeds.

--via-ir     Set viaIR to true.     If you compiled using --via-ir when deploying, pass it here too in order to prevent a bytecode mismatch.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Verify a contract with JSON standard input on Etherscan

    forge verify-contract <address> SomeContract --watch
  2. Verify a contract on a custom Sourcify instance

    forge verify-contract --verifier sourcify \
      --verifier-url http://localhost:5000 <address> SomeContract
  3. Verify a flattened contract built with solc v0.8.11+commit.d7f03943:

    forge verify-contract --flatten --watch --compiler-version "v0.8.11+commit.d7f03943" \
      --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(string,string,uint256,uint256)" "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000) \
      <address> MyToken
  4. Verify a flattened contract by specifying constructor arguments in a file:

    forge verify-contract --flatten --watch --compiler-version "v0.8.11+commit.d7f03943" \
      --constructor-args-path constructor-args.txt <address> src/Token.sol:MyToken

    where constructor-args.txt contains the following content:

    ForgeUSD FUSD 18 1000000000000000000000
  5. Verify a contract with Blockscout right after deployment (make sure you add "/api?" to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL):

    forge create --rpc-url <rpc_https_endpoint> --private-key $devTestnetPrivateKey src/Contract.sol:SimpleStorage --verify --verifier blockscout --verifier-url <blockscout_homepage_explorer_url>/api? 
  6. verify a contract with Oklink

    forge verify-contract 0x8CDDE82cFB4555D6ca21B5b28F97630265DA94c4 Counter --verifier oklink --verifier-url  --api-key $OKLINK_API_KEY
  7. verify a contract with Oklink while deploying

    forge create Counter --rpc-url <rpc_https_endpoint> --verify --verifier oklink --verifier-url --etherscan-api-key $OKLINK_API_KEY --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --legacy


forge, forge create, forge flatten, forge verify-check